Big Changes Ahead.
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This Sunday we gather in a new place to worship together every week. We will meet right here - in the larger portion of the building that has a sign on it that says “Canyon Creek Project.”

This is a big change. It is no small thing to move a church of our size into a completely new building for weekly worship. This isn’t the only change for this next year. While we continue to pursue life as a praying church in 2024 - beginning our year this January by gathering to pray every Sunday evening at 4PM for the first month of the year - this Sunday we will introduce a new resolution focused on evangelism.

In truth, there are big changes ahead in 2024 and I want to just point them out to you:

  • We are worshiping in a new location. Buildings shape the culture of worship whether you want them to or not. This will take some getting used to for all of us.
  • Last year we brought on three new staff members and we are currently praying and searching for a full time elementary minister. Information about that role here.
  • We have some incredible ways for you to grow in Christ, in life together, and life on mission this next year:
  • You can sign up to explore Nehemiah with other men and women here.
  • There are one time opportunities for men and women to fellowship together here.
  • You could find out more about Mosaic or join/start a Mosaic group here.
  • We are growing as a church family: As wild as it might seem - the membership of Mosaic, between adults and children, is now close to a thousand souls.
  • If you are interested in becoming a member at Mosaic you can register for our January membership class using this link.

There is a lot that is changing, but in reality: The main thing hasn’t changed and it isn’t changing.

Mosaic is here because we want to see every inch of Richardson covered with the good news of the gospel. We exist as a church to cultivate life in Christ, life together, and life on mission. It’s why we exist and it is what we are about. That is not changing.

I bet much has changed in your life in the last year. So too, in the life of our church. But for the Christian, no matter what changes come, we hold as a foundational truth: That we are in Christ Jesus, for good, forever. And no thing, nowhere, not anyone can change that.

Take comfort Christian brother and sister, you are in Christ. Whatever 2024 holds - the world and all within it is headed towards resurrection, we are headed towards heaven, and Christ will carry us the whole way.

In the light of Christ,

Kyle Worley

Epiphany 2024
