Men's WayForward Trip: February Payment

Feb 3, 2025
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Each Summer, 10 Mosaic men hop into a van, drive to Colorado, and go backpacking in the mountains for 5 days. The consequences of a trip like this are renewed faith, restored hope, increased joy, endless awe, and lasting brotherhood. Would you consider joining us so you, too, can experience the true blessing of structured time away that will maximally benefit the way you live your life for the rest of your lives.

With busy lives, full schedules, and ever-amounting responsibilities, it hardly seems possible to consider taking a week off of work in order to go on a backpacking trip, but I want you to think deeply about it and know that I am here to discuss this with you and answer any questions you may have.

Trip Details:

Location: Del Norte, Colorado

Cost: $800 - includes transportation, lodging, food, and gear

Experience: Non-required

If you have a desire to go, but the trip cost is an insurmountable burden to you, talk with Finn Foster. Let's not let cost hinder your development and future.