Evangelism and World Religions
God’s promise is that the knowledge of his glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the seas, and God’s method is to send his church to make disciples of all nations. While many are still needed to go across oceans and cultures to bring the gospel to the nations, God has also brought the nations to our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. While this is an amazing opportunity, it can also be overwhelming to know how to engage with someone from another culture, language, or religion. Will I offend them? What if I don’t have answers to their questions? Where do I start?
The goal of this virtual training is to de-mystify what ministry to our Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist neighbors means, offer biblical principles to guide us, and teach some practical steps you can put into practice right away.
This will be a 1-hour virtual training. The link will be sent out closer to the date.