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When I think about discipleship or teach on it, one passage I consistently come back to is 2 Corinthians 3:181: “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

The Essence of Discipleship

I think this verse gets at the essence of discipleship. It’s a simple idea: When we “behold” Christ, we are transformed. We truly become more like him.

When we share Christ with some one, and the Spirit of God removes the veil and allows them to truly see Jesus, they are transformed. As Paul will say a couple chapters later, “The old has gone, behold the new has come.” Each step of growth in the Christian life from that time forward is really the same thing: Looking to Christ—in worship, devotion, fellowship, or mission—that he might change us. “Transforming” us, “into his likeness from one degree of glory to another.”

Remember the Signs

I am in the middle of reading The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis with my oldest daughters. In the story, Aslan assigns the heroine, Jill, an important task upon which the very fate of Narnia depends. To help guide her way, he gives her four “signs.” She is to commit these signs to memory so that she can know the right choices to make along the journey when they come. For a little while, Jill recites the signs to herself each night. She is a thoughtful, courageous, and well-intentioned character. Even so, throughout the journey Jill is repeatedly drawn off-course by the temptations offered by other figures and kingdoms—pleasure, comfort, security; the same that call to your heart and mine each day. These distractions drive the signs from her mind at the exact decision points when she needs them most.

You and I are of the same frame as our friend Jill. We have been called to the one great task, made citizens of the one true kingdom, invited into the one perfect love. Yet, we can all admit, as we so often sing together, that we are “prone to wonder,” prone to leave the God we love. If we are to remain steadfast and faithful to the end, we must commit ourselves to ongoing rhythms of “beholding” Christ in his word and in his body.

This is precisely why our church observes the liturgical calendar. Because it provides a valuable and unique “beholding” opportunity for each one of us—as well as our children and neighbors. We choose to intentionally exchange some of our usual routines for new ones, that we may receive this invitation to behold Christ in his word. This invitation to be changed.

Don’t Let Holy Week Pass You By

Holy Week is March 24–31. Don’t miss it.

No, I don't mean be at everything we have to offer or fail. We’re not taking role. What I do mean is: If you simply walk into Holy Week, you will miss it. Your membership status and standing before God aren’t hanging in the balance. But the affections of your heart are. And those are a very valuable treasure indeed.

So, I want to encourage you: Make a plan now.

You can see a list of all of our services here.

  • Your typical habits or responsibilities may conflict with the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. Try and move things around to be at both services. And if you can’t, that’s okay! Set aside time for other opportunities of devotion and reflection on those days.
  • Maybe you’ll be out of town on Easter. Wherever you are, find your way to the nearest gathering of God’s people. If you will be in town, come celebrate with your Mosaic family. Invite one friend or neighbor to come hear the gospel preached and demonstrated in baptisms. Plan a follow-up conversation with them about Christ.

You can see a list of recommended Holy Week resources here.

  • Make a plan this weekend on how you are going to behold the Lord in his word during Holy Week.
  • Parents, make a plan together this weekend on how you are going to disciple your kids during that week. If you want to order a resource, do it soon so it ships on time.

I love you, church. The resurrection is the greatest news in history. Don’t miss this opportunity to remind the parts of your heart that need it right now. Don’t miss this opportunity to share that hope with your children and with those who haven’t yet believed.



When we get to this verse, Paul has just recalled how Moses would wear a veil in the wilderness after meeting with God, because the glory of the Lord frightened the people. He then describes how, likewise, a spiritual veil hangs over every human heart, preventing us from seeing God’s true glory, but “through Christ it is taken away” (v.14).